Protein Potluck + O-Week



O-Week neeeeeds You

Let’s say Twilight is Nazi Germany, and Waterpolo is Imperial Japan. Underwater rugby can be the Allied forces. I’ll just let you digest that for a moment.

Well, guess what? Twilight’s just invaded Poland, and Waterpolo is about to divebomb Pearl Harbour. So are you going to enlist in O-Week, or are you a Twilight sympathizer? No really, this will be a great opportunity to capture a large group of recruits that could set UWR up for the rest of the year. Let’s make 2012 a great year for our sport.

If you can spare a couple of hours next week during the day, between Monday and Wednesday, post here.


Protein Potluck this weekend

If you’re coming to the Bootcamp this weekend then remember to bring sustenance and hydration for yourself. On top of that we are also having a ‘protein potluck’, which is where you bring a protein rich dish to share with others. It can be a lentil salad, some trail mix, a tub of egg and tuna milkshake, a five metre kingfish. Anything really! (anything except dog food and Goo Gels) And please keep in mind there are a few vegetarians and glutards amongst our mix.

Also don’t forget to do some homework before the weekend. There is also a training program posted on the FB event page. See you all then!

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